Systema Spetsnaz DVD #16: COMBAT FLOW (2 hours)
The systema training regimen seems very valid with some interesting Qi Gong, some of which is defini...
Date Added: 01/24/2018 by Iggy ..
Systema Spetsnaz DVD #19: SIGHT POWER IN COMBAT: How to Improve Eyesight
This Systema DVD will help you on your way to growing your mental power and focus for your no contac...
Date Added: 08/29/2017 by mark cromeyer
Systema Spetsnaz DVD #4 - Strikes - Punches - Kicks
Excellent Systema videos, very good material to practice, the instructors are very professionals.
Date Added: 08/28/2017 by Amazon Customer
Systema Spetsnaz 14 DVD set - Beginners Package!!
I ordered the 14 DVDs. It arrived in two days. I haven't yet gotten through all of them but gave the...
Date Added: 08/26/2017 by Amazon Customer
Systema Spetsnaz Complete Training Set - 20 DVDs + Audio Lesson!
I've trained in several other hand-to-hand methods and the Systema system is by far one of the most ...
Date Added: 08/11/2017 by Paul XX
Self-Development 5 DVD set + Audio Lesson
When it comes to Self-Defense a lot of Martial Artists do not even know about such thing as a combat...
Date Added: 07/13/2017 by Mark Baker
Self-Development 5 DVD set + Audio Lesson
The 1st DVD is nice to follow and discover how your breath affects your body and find out that you m...
Date Added: 07/13/2017 by Systema Spetsnaz Admin
Systema Spetsnaz DVD #19: SIGHT POWER IN COMBAT: How to Improve Eyesight
This DVD will help you on your way to growing your mental power and focus for your no contact combat...
Date Added: 07/07/2017 by mark cromeyer
Systema Spetsnaz DVD #1 - The Warrior's Path
This DVD is perfect if you are just starting with Spetsnaz Training. It will give you a great overvi...
Date Added: 07/07/2017 by Yadi Alamin
Systema Spetsnaz DVD #20: Spetsnaz VS Boxing. How to fight and beat a boxer.
This DVD has everything - footwork, hands movements, body alignment, counter-attack (strikes, punche...
Date Added: 05/03/2017 by Yadi Alamin