8.5 hours of Spetsnaz Training Video: striking techniques, knife combat, weapons disarming, grabs and chokes, wrist locks, takedown techniques, pressure points, combat in three dimensions, fighting on the ground, restorative breathing, energy activation and more!
Learn 50+ easy to follow hand to hand combat techniques including strikes and punches, knife combat, gun self-defense, grabs and chokes, wrist locks, takedowns, pressure points, fighting with multiple opponents and more..
Watch 2.5 hours of Russian Systema training presented by Vadim Starov, the chief-Instructor of Russian Martial Arts center, the combat of Russian Special Forces, GRU units.
Master 2 primary elements of Russian Spetsnaz System: Knife fighting and Internal Energy Training. Based on these combat techniques you can learn all the most important elements of self-defense: footwork, body rotation, strikes, escapes from grabs, and counter-attacks. Combine fighting techniques with your Internal Energy and you can win any fight!
THIS RUSSIAN SYSTEMA DVD IS DEDICATED TO SELF-DEFENSE FIGHTING IN 3-DIMENSIONS: Learn how to take a force and redirect it, release your hidden combat power and use the opponent's inertia to defeat your adversary!
MASTER LIFE-SAVING SELF-DEFENSE TECHNIQUES: Safe falls and fighting on the ground, one-figure takedown techniques, and vital striking zones to win any fight.
Take an extra step and go deeper in mastering your self-defense skills! From 3 days of instructor’s seminar, we created 2-DVD set that contains combat exercises that you will not find in any other DVDs, a unique combination of key-aspects of Russian Spetsnaz training!